350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
System integration directions of the scientific activity provided creation of «presmart» infrastructure
A. V. Rozhnov - Ph.D. (Eng), Senior Research Scientist, V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: rozhnov@ipu.ru
G. M. Antioh - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: grygoryant@gmail.com
D. E. Seliverstov - Adjunct, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. E-mail: seliverstov_dmitriyy@rambler.ru
E. I. Kublik - Ph.D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail: ewkub@mail.ru
This work is devoted to the discussion of the concept of the new classification of the international scientific journal «Neurocomputers: Design and Application»: - Intelligent Information Systems and Technology (Neuromathematic and intelligent computing; Methods organization and intellectualization of complex systems; Multi-agent systems and cognitive neural network technologies; Knowledge based systems; Intelligent technologies in control of dynamic systems; Evolutionary modeling: strategies and algorithms); - Neurocomputing (Neurophysiological models of neutral networks; Theory of neural networks, neuro-fuzzy models and networks; Neurocomputing in systems of signals and images processing; Quantum Neurocomputers, nanotechnology and neurochips; Neurocomputing in genetics, chemistry and bioinformatics; Cybernetics of alive: XXI Century); - Applied Issues of Neuroscience and Intellect by Industries (Design of Intelligent systems and their software implementation; System integration and hybrid intelligence, interdisciplinary aspects; Intertellectualization of robotic complexes, systems and interfaces; Biometric indentification systems, smart-technologies; Applied problems in neuroscience psychology and medicine; Neuroscience and society: from neuroeconomics and social networking to the philosophy of the intellect); - Perspectives of usage of neurocomputers and intelligent technologies, - Information, historical researches in the field of intelligence, academic school, personalities.
Pages: 59-63

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