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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Multimedia educational resources for distance medical advanced training
A.N. Putintsev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Department of medical computer systems, Science Center of New Information Technologies, separate structural unit of Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatricsof Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
B.A. Kobrinsky - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Head of the Science Center of New Information Technologies, separate structural unit of Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatricsof Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
One of the urgent tasks is to develop multimedia training systems for remote training of doctors, especially in the Diagnostics and treatment of complex diseases. This concerns the diagnosis and study of the pathogenesis of diseases such as congenital malformations, tuberous sclerosis. For the early detection of this disease it is necessary to involve the different specialists to survey these patients, therefore, an important task is to increase the awareness of physicians about this disease. Also relevant is distance learning for narrow specialists. Submitted multimedia educational resources targeted at remote training of doctors. Multimedia teaching system of "congenital malformations and anomalies of development", which is complemented by several defects and hereditary syndromes and teratogenic nature included in the programme of postgraduate and further education on speciality "genetics". The system has a large number of illustrations, 15 animations, alphabetical and subject indexes, lists the classification of defects on etiological, pathogenetic and anatomic-physiological principles. For the control of knowledge into the system included tests that cover all sections of the training part. Tests can be performed on one or more sections: General issues, classification, clinical manifestations, prevention, treatment. After testing a protocol containing the percentage of correct answers and information about errors so that you can get back to those topics that are not well developed. Electronic educational resource "Tuberous Sclerosis" for pediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists, epileptologists and doctors of other specialities. The system includes various aspects of diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment of the disease. Illustrates the possible manifestations of this disease: skin manifestations, defeat of the heart, kidneys, lungs, etc. The multimedia information system of "Medical rehabilitation of children with thermal lesions", designed to improve the training of children's surgeons specializing in combustiology, interns, clinical interns, as well as to provide information support to doctors in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with burn injury. Thesystemincludesstructuredhypertext, animationsandmovies. The system provides various methods of medical rehabilitation in the acute period of burn injuries and after conservative burn treatment. Multimedia educational resources in remote access mode, provided significant opportunities for physician training anytime and anywhere with a personal computer connected to the Internet. Developed systems can be useful to doctors related specialties.
Pages: 20-26

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