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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Antenna arrays with a double spatial hexagonal structure
S. G. Kondrat-eva - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: kondratieff89@ya.ru
Today-s antenna systems need to meet a rather high requirements: high energy potential with limited aperture size and low side radiation level. Generally, weight and size values limitations appear during the on-board radar system design. Spatial element arrangement with proper control of the amplitude-phase distribution allows to decrease the number of elements in the antenna array and in the distribution system, and also allows to exclude the commutating devices from the antenna system schematic, therefore significantly simplifying the distribution system of the antenna array. Papers survey indicates that the most complete research was made on the combined antenna arrays and only few papers are dedicated to the antennas with spatial element arrangement. Reduction of side radiation level of the antenna arrays without changing their gain expands the functionality: increases the accuracy of the coordinates determination, improves the noise immunity and energy potential of the antenna array. Proposed method may be realized on modern element base with application of new technologies of the aperture manufacturing. Specifics of the minimization of side lobe level in the on-board antenna arrays conditioned by following circumstances: about 10% of band is selected for operation along with sizes of cross-section of an aircraft, which defines the aperture size, in addition the maximum gain is required. Antenna arrays with double spatial hexagonality may have different structure of the element arrangement: wavy, ribbed, concaved, etc. Wavy and ribbed structures may be considered as the simplest spatial structures. Ribbed structures may have different forms. Radiation patterns of the different structures are presented in this paper. Thus, the structures which allows to decrease the side radiation level without changing antenna directivity are considered.
Pages: 48-53

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