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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Computer-aided design of the integrated analog-to-digital devices
L. F. Gorelikov - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: lev-gorelikov@mail.ru
D. I. Stepanov - Research Engineer, Russian Space Systems. E-mail: dmitry_stepanov@list.ru
D. I. Stepanov - Research Engineer, Russian Space Systems. E-mail: dmitry_stepanov@list.ru
The article examines the development of integrated analog-to-digital devices (IADD), namely design flows and software tools for CAD of IADD. The purpose of work is development of the IADD design flow makes it possible to determine the permissible range of variation of inherent characteristics analog part of the early design stages. During performance of work the analysis of a standard design flow of IADD is made and its main shortcomings for which decision the modified design flow IADD allowing considerably to raise quality is offered and considerably to lower time design IADD are defined.
Pages: 42-47
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