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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The scanning and editing of the 3D-object for rapid prototyping
V.V. Alexandrova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Computer Science, Herzen University A.A. Zaytseva - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Researcher, SPIIRAS D.A. Tyzhnenko - Student, SPbSPU
3D scanning, 3D modeling and 3D prototyping are actively introducing into all human activities as a uniform process. The development of the digital technologies resulted in fast and accurate scanning i.e. direct digitizing of complex artistic figures and spatial 3D-objects. The absence of formalized description demands creative cognitive abilities to be able of further computer modeling. The unified methods and approaches are to be developed to make transition from given material object to its computer model and to 3D prototyping as a next step. The paper considers one method to create 3D-model which is ready for 3D printing by editing of the point cloud obtained via 3D-scanner. All the procedures for enhancing quality of 3D-model are made via 3Ds MAX software. To create a 3D-model suitable for further 3D prototyping the following steps are needed: 1. Scaling of the initial set of points according to modeling goal and hardware technology limitations (3D-printer); 2. Removal of redundant points; 3. Filling the gapes in the cloud of points for denser object model; 4. Connecting the unbounded points in the cloud to obtain model of solid body object; 5. Adjusting the necessary thickness of solid body model As a result of point cloud processing the polygonal model of necessary thickness is obtained which is needed to be converted to format suitable for given 3D-printer (e.g. STL as most commonly used).
Pages: 53-57

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