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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The multimedia technologies - information security
V.V. Alexandrov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of laboratory, SPIIRAS S.V. Kuleshov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher, SPIIRAS S.A. Kucenko - Post-graduate Student, SPIIRAS R.A. Kolesnikov - Post-graduate Student, SPIIRAS
In digital civilization it appeared difficult to protect not only states, corporative and society secrets, but private and personal data as well. The problems of all mankind and personal sovereignty protection were shifted to the direction of law regulations in information space due to development of digital programmed technologies. There are no absolutely closed communication systems exist (even if they are well encrypted). The level of information security is directly depending on the level of nanotechnology in a given country. The information superiority leads to conception of "irreducible complexity". According to it, the upper control level of hierarchy of system or organism is absorbing preceding level as in encapsulated "matrioshkas". On same principle for example based backward top-down compatibility in software products modernization and in multimedia technologies development. The new qualities and features of information security, protection and superiority were emerging. Information in it-s nature is hard to "touch" and to detect. Information answers only to one question - how much is the bits, needed to convert data to product (datalogy). To buy information with information is an informatics - economical subject with unlimited recyclable resources. Infology approach for knowledge representation enables to realize the process of multimedia knowledge representation in the form of clip perception. As a rule, considering information, the term of security is comprehended in terms of protection of information from negative impact such as: distortion, blocking, unauthorized access and so on. This treatment is most applicable to various documents and security of communication channel. But when considering multimedia streams the main point of interest is an information security as a security of the information source and potential damage that information could inflict. The specifics of multimedia information is in that it takes multiple editing through it-s lifespan and the original author usually become unidentified.
Pages: 3-15
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