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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Approach to creation of intellectual system of modelling and management of the condition of fire danger of difficult technical objects
S.I. Egorov, S.Yu. Sazonov, S.N. Frolov
The analysis of existing approaches, receptions and methods of prevention of fire risks because of malfunctions, wear or misuse of electric networks showed that criteria of shutdown of power supply of objects are chosen as the conceptual moment at an overload of a network, a deviation of parameters of a network, currents and tension from allowed limit values, smoke of rooms and operation of fire izveshchatel, and also - at a current leakage "on the earth".
As showed operating experience of various objects, effective fire-prevention protection of objects of such complexity can't be executed without the corresponding association of theoretical and realizatsionny receptions and techniques of fire-prevention strategy, including fire-prevention intelligent automatic equipment in the uniform complex, which main objective - early forecasting of emergency situations, their recognition and formation as decision-making supports, and the decisions reducing levels of fire risks because of a fire-dangerous condition of electric networks. Mnogoagentny approach and mathematical modeling as separate components (modules), subsystems, and system as a whole can be the main device of research and design of an intellectual control system by processes of monitoring and diagnostics of a condition of fire danger of electric networks.
Formation of basic data for development of the functional and structural organization of independent peripheral modules, definition of their quantity and interaction with hardware and software of control offices, and if necessary - and control facilities will be result of this preparatory work.
In this case the major moment is formation of priznakovy space (formation of the aprioristic dictionary), a choice of essential signs, criteria and algorithms of realization of these procedures.
Pages: 50-54
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