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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Method of control over economic and intellectual resources of infrastructure of the enterprise for criterion «efficiency - cost»
efficiency of creation of geoinformation production
criterion «efficiency - cost»
resource management
expensive function
choice rules
V.N. Nikolaev, A.A. Maslak
Research of processes of functioning of infrastructures of GIS of the enterprise realized according to the scheme «client server» is executed.
On the basis of the analysis of nature of change of dependences, regularities are revealed and rules for development of procedures of a method of management based on the modified method of branches and borders which provides management of structure, structure and parameters of elements of hierarchical GIS of the enterprise are formulated.
Sensitivity of criterion «efficiency - expenses» to the parameters of system changing in areas, representing practical interest is investigated. The method of control over resources of three-level GIS of the collective using, considering structure and characteristics of subsystems, and also costs of their realization is developed. The received method and algorithm, unlike a method of direct search, considers features of functioning of hierarchical systems of different function and allows to order process of search of the operating decision.
Pages: 46-49
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