350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Building a computerized access control systems on the dynamics of handwriting handwriting
T.I. Lapina, D.V. Lapin, V.P. Dobrica, E.A. Petric
The paper outlines the approach to construction of Access monitoring systems to system resourceson the basis of a way dynamic biometric authentification of users on their hand-written handwriting. For data input of the biometric control the gauge of movings is used multicomponent. For the organization of input of the biometric data of the user the gage of movings is used multicomponent. Transformation of a multichannel analog signal of the gage to a multichannel discrete signal in the form of a matrix quantum readout is carried out. As a result of transformation receive a matrix of factors two-dimensional discrete transformations of Haar waveletwhich is used as identification parametres for authentification. Database of users allowed to access the system is formed from discretised and quantised readings of samples of the handwriting of a matrix of two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (TDCT) coefficients. When allowing a new user into the system, a matrix of TDCT coefficients similar to the reference sample is formed from the discretised and quantised readings of samples of the handwriting of that user. Comparison is carried out and a decision is made to associate the obtained record to one of the reference records. Signal decomposition on n of the directions of movement allows to make the analysis of everyone fragment of decomposition of a signal that simplifies a problem of a marking and the analysis of an initial image. The offered way of dynamic biometric authentification of the user on the hand-written doesn't demand expensive input readers of the biometric information, allows to change the password and can supplement other biometric systems of authentification.
Pages: 35-40

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