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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Expert system for the state evaluation of the elements of transport and technological equipment in the process of transfer operations
V.G. Baranov, V. A. Koltsov, V.R. Milov, V.E. Gai, D.V. Milov
The problem of effective management of transport and technological equipment (TTE) is inextricably linked with continuous monitoring of his condition. For evaluation and management of TTE used control system (TTE CS). Early detection and identification of fault situations to minimize possible losses. To this end, the structure of the TTE CS prompted additional expert system as an element of support for enterprise solutions. An approach to the assessment of the elements of transport and technological equipment in the process of loading and unloading operations is reviewed. This approach is based on the use of fuzzy logic technology. For the mechanism of overload, as a component of TTE, a prototype fuzzy expert system is developed. The purpose of the system is to identify the parameters of overloading, the assessment of the state of congestion products, as well as the formation of councils for operator in the event of fault situations.
Pages: 67-71

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