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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
System and methodical aspects of intellectual monitoring of a condition of magstralny gas pipelines
S.V. Savchenkov, A.V. Reunov, E.L. Karnavsky, Yu.M. Sverdlik, V.M. Tsys, V.G. Baranov, V.R. Milov
The gas transportation pipeline system of Russia is the world's largest and continues to develop. So far 75 % pipelines have age is above 20 years. Construction of new gas pipelines extends on the region of the Far North and the Far East which are characterized by a large number of potential dangerous sites for routes of gas pipelines. Construction of new gas pipelines in areas with a difficult environment, the modern federal legislation and normative documents demand ensuring safe operation of dangerous industrial objects. Providing safety requirement and reliability of large technological objects is impossible without application of modern of the object monitoring systems, capable to provide the persons making decisions, timely information. Technically this problem is solved at the expense of application of modern information technologies, means of receiving and data transmission. However the extent of object and specifics of influencing factors of the concrete area of passing of the gas pipeline demand close examination at a choice of design decisions. In article influencing factors for northern part of the Sakhalin island and Khabarovsk territory, among which increased seismic, landslide activity, existence of crossings of active tectonic breaks and system and methodical aspects of creation of system of monitoring of a technical condition of the main gas pipeline on the example of "Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok" MG are considered.
Pages: 53-58

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