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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Content structuring and representation in formation reference and analytical systems
Yu.S. Egorov, N.A. Alipova, V.V. Musonov
Content structuring is the source materials transforming a source material procedure, which results in a set of functional elements with relationships required for the system to achieve the goals. Structuring process is initiated at the user request and may be different depending on the system type. For example, a query to a chronological content location, listing on the grounds for classification. Local or network resources can be used as information source for constructing the response. As a local resource, can be used a database or data warehouse. As a thematic network resource can be used information, from, for example, open internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia?. Wikipedia structure is a collection of categories and subcategories, so it allows "Wikipedia - to serve as a source for the ordered content formation. Approach to the content structure formation, based on the development of unstructured, heterogeneous information processing procedures will improve the content access efficiency. Proposed approach application will facilitate the information processing intellectualization.
Pages: 33-36

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