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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Experience of the frame method of representation of aspects of terminological dictionary entries
content of the concept
the structure of dictionary entries
A.V. Sineleva
The purpose of the research which results are presented in this article was to define quantitative structure of the logical-semantic components reflecting the maintenance of entries of terminological dictionaries on the example of terms of logic. It is useful for developing the principles and selection criteria of essential signs, communications and the relations opening the concept of limits of an entry of the terminological dictionary.
In the analysis, the frame method of submission of information was used. The structure of a frame is defined by a set of the semantic components corresponding to logical-semantic structure of any article since the process of compression of information, i.e. its translation into any artificial formalized language is necessary for formal definition of structure and the maintenance of entries.
Results of the analysis of 17 philosophical terms which are the abstract concepts (without an exception) united by the logical aspect of a dictionary definition in a condition category are presented.
The analysis of qualitative and quantitative structure of the logical-semantic aspects of the synchronic plan allocated in entries shows that a necessary semantic component in all articles is the slot identity, a component attribute is presented as much as possible, with considerable prevalence over all other logical-semantic aspects. That allows to suggest about considerable domination of signs in comparison with communications and the relations, certainly, increases the requirement of accuracy to a choice of essential signs and the formulation when writing entry by the author of the terminological dictionary.
Pages: 24-28
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