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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Future aviation communications systems
L.M. Vdovin, A.V. Komyakov
The present airborne communications systems are built in accordance with federative construction principle. To solve the topical tasks assigned to the complex and reduce the life-cycle cost an alternate version of building the airborne communications system (ACS) is proposed which is based on the integrated modular avionics (IMA) technology. To build the ACS IMA the author analyzed the architecture of present radios and proposed an alternate architecture version with the dedicated standardized segment for the radios operating in different frequency bands. The proposed architecture allows reducing the cost of the channel forming equipment as well as the cost of certification. Signal code schemes are software implemented. Due to digital receiver-exciter with direct synthesis a dynamic change of the pass bandwidth is feasible. The proposed architecture is studied with a view to use it in civil and military aviation.
Pages: 3-7

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