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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Features of medical intellectual systems
B.A. Kobrinskiy
Participation of the physician at decision support system by intellectual system is positive aspect. It can be management of diagnostics modes, revaluation of coefficient for signs at hypothesis construction, transformation of a diagnostic series by expert system. Knowledge extraction on Data Mining technology should be accompanied by the analysis received given (templates, etc.) with attraction of experts. Construction of intellectual system for hundreds and thousand illnesses assumes a group way for knowledge extraction. In this case it is necessary to use a principle supplementary the knowledge received from separate experts and from other sources. For this purpose various mechanisms can be used. The question of comparison of opinions of various research schools of thought as a part of expert systems demands the decision. The expediency of transition to hybrid architecture with inclusion of precedents is caused by increase in diseases with an atypical clinical picture. Separate aspects for efficiency increase can be found in earlier created expert systems. At the same time, till now, with rare exception, there are no intellectual dynamic medical systems. Systems of new generation should ensure functioning in real time that is necessary at urgent conditions. Prospects of development of medical intellectual systems should include joint diagnostics of the core and accompanying diseases, construction of open knowledge bases, to provide transition to lingvo-images knowledge bases in which images should supplement verbal characteristics at formation of intermediate and definitive hypotheses.
Pages: 58-64


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