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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The amended doppler serviceability maximum altitude estimation
A.S. Gostyunin
It has been known that the radar equation provides maximum range (altitude) calculation without satisfactory accuracy and integrity. The real maximum operating ranges in some service conditions are provided to be in one and half times less than predicted ones. The importance of the high maximum operating range accuracy increases also due to the fact that the radar equation is used for interference protection and electromagnetic compatibility features estimation, therefore such features integrity in many instances is determined by the range estimation accuracy. Practically the complement of the power losses with its transmission to the reflective surface and from it, as well as DVDM system losses is determined in the article. Losses magnitude analysis is also described. The losses, which are not considered in the simple range equation, are found out. To increase range estimate accuracy it is recommended to introduce losses ratios in the range equation, providing the consideration of the unaccounted losses. The comparison of the receiver output SNR design values resulted from the modified amended equation with the test values has been carried out. The comparison results have made sure of rather high maximum altitude (range) estimate of the DVDM serviceability in accordance with the amended altitude equation.
Pages: 23-32
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