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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Method of formation of ontologies in information-measuring systems
А.N. Uvarov
Preparation of the data for decision-making in the widest understanding is pertseptivno-informative function of studying of objects, processes and the phenomena within the limits of considered subject domain. Thus investigated subject domain (situation) should be described at level of system of concepts and communications between them. That is should be generated it ontology taking into account maintenance with its help of the description of subject domains demanded to consideration, for example hierarchical, is difficult-structured, distributed etc. The description of some conditions can be presented as set interconnected (in a direct and return direction) indicators or the factors characterizing (with demanded detail and in a necessary foreshortening) an essence of occurring processes or the phenomena, and also current values of these indicators. Formation of the specified description represents the process which is actually carried out on the basis of model of the description (set of factors) some conditions with use of the current data about the objects, occurring processes and the phenomena. Problems of formation of descriptions of conditions are subdivided according to the following: Definiteness concerning lists and interrelations of basic factors, primary, secondary etc. factors, and also possible sources of reception of the monitoring data for formation of their values; Uncertainty of lists of basic other factors, or in their interrelations, or in sources of the data for reception of values; The earlier not solved problems providing formation of complex descriptions of conditions. Complexity of the decision of all specified types of problems of formation of descriptions is a consequence of that each of conditions types is usually characterized by enough great number diverse primary, secondary, etc. the indicators which values during the concrete moment of time can be defined with use of the various data. The method of formation distributed онтологий, providing statement of a problem of preparation of the data for formation of descriptions of conditions is offered. By method working out the model distributed of ontology is generated.
Pages: 24-28
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