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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Ways of formalization of the data to monitoring systems
А.I. Zaharenkov, А.N. Uvarov, A.T. Mirgaleev
In information-analytical systems process of automatic processing natural language text and its formalisation comes to an end with construction of semantic structure fixing «sense of the text» which can contain [1, 2]: Linguistic sentence structures of the text (local understanding); Semantic networks of the whole text (global dim understanding); Information structures whole текса (the global generalised understanding); Structures DB and knowledge base (selective special understanding); Structures of machine translation systems (parallel multilanguage understanding). This at formalisation natural language text consecutive realisation graphematic, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatical analyses is provided. During the specified kinds of analysis natural language texts as a result of processing are represented in the form of formal structures: sets and databases. For working out of a method of formalisation of the natural language data presented to a DB, it is expedient to use offered in [1] algorithm of structurization and лингвосемантического the analysis of the natural language text. On the basis of the specified algorithm to лингвосемантическому to the analysis of the Russian and English texts, based on use of the linguistic processor the approach is developed for interpretation natural language of offers in SQL-inquiries to a DB. Thus results are the thesaurus on the set subject domain and the text abstract in reply to inquiry of the user.
Pages: 3-8
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