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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The choice of Kalman filter algorithm estimated ionospheric and tropospheric signal delay for single-frequency SRNS receiver
V. Е. Vovasov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief Engineer, JSC «Russian Space Systems». E-mail: vovasov@list.ru
N. B. Ipkaev - Research Engineer, JSC «Russian Space Systems». E-mail: nikasic@bk.ru
S. А. Gerko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Junior Research, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) MAI. E-mail: S.Gerko@mail.ru
The object of the study are methods based on the use of Kalman filter type algorithm (KFT), which allow for evaluation of signal delay in the ionospheric and tropospheric layers using a receiver of satellite navigation systems (GNSS) receiving signals from one frequency band. Purpose - to study and selection algorithm KFT, which provides the best estimate of the ionospheric and tropospheric delays the signal for single-frequency GNSS receiver. The studies were conducted by searching the literature of mathematical models of measurement algorithm estimates the vertical blanking caused by delays in the ionosphere and the troposphere, the mathematical model of the device for the KFT, as well as on the basis of computational experiments. The study produced the following results. Compared with other algorithm based on the use in the treatment of ambiguous measure¬ments pseudophases along with measurements of pseudo pseudovelocity and enables assessment of ionospheric and tropospheric delays SRNS with the greatest accuracy (about 1-2 m) and fast enough (a few seconds). The results were obtained when the proces¬sing of the measurements in the frequency range L1 to signals from 12 navigation satellites GPS/GLONASS. The results of the research can be used to develop a staff software navigation equipment intended for a wide range of applications. The degree of implementation - developed an experimental version of the software that implements considered in the filtering algo¬rithms. The software is debugged on a simulation model. Economic efficiency of the considered algorithms KFT due to the fact that their implementation is sufficient to use one relatively low-cost single-band navigation receiver.
Pages: 19-32

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