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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The mobile satellite communication link capacity in a different frequency ranges
A.М. Shiryaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, SPC «Spurt»
The satellite link data rate depends on follow factors: satellite parameters, airborne and ground stations specifications, signal and coding construction, required link quality and signal propagation conditions.
The operation of the modern mobile satellite communication systems are provided by special as well as universal spacecrafts. As the Russian civil satellite fleet is completed with new age satellites that are provided with a high-level power level in a receiving and transmitting mode, the opportunity to build a new generation high data rate mobile satellite communication systems is coming on.
The result of the mobile satellite communication systems data rate calculation is presented. The limitations such as small airborne antenna diameter signal power losses (including pointing and tracking losses) by the program and auto tracking methods are considered.
It is presumed that the data link is being provided by the new generation satellite - Express-AM5?. The link capacity is calculated for cases of C-, Ku- and Ka-bands.
It is shown, that mobile satellite communication systems, which are operated in the Ku band, reach the best link capacity (taken in account satellite fleet conditions, signal losses and airborne and ground antenna sizes). The Ka-bands systems equipped with the auto tracking devices can compete with them in a perspective.
Pages: 66-71
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