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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Examination of expert systems in emergency differential diagnosis traumatic and inflammatory brain injury
A.G. Nemkov - Ph.D. (Med.), assistant professor of department neurological diseases with a course of neurosurgery of Tyumen State medical academy. E-mail: agn.med@mail.ru
A.G. Sannikov - Dr.Sci.(Med.), associate professor, Department of Medical Informatics of Tyumen State medical academy. E-mail: sannikov@72.ru
The authors describe one of the models for the establishment andexamination of diagnostic expert systems. Was shown the stages of search and study of evidence criteria of some areas of differential diagnosis of TBI. Feature extraction was based on the objective - corresponds to the possibility of application in emergency medicine. Optimization software products and their testing was performed on a separate cohort of patients on the same lines as the creation of the program. Was shown the results of the testing of the proposed software products for the differential diagnosis of acute traumatic brain injury and inflammatory diseases of the brain, including the rare, hard to differentiate disease - tuberculosis CNS. The paper concludes that the diagnostic significance of expert systems is quite high when they are created on the basis of evidence criteria.
Pages: 81-84

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