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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The analysis of description of complaints in systematized nomenclature of medical terms (SNOMED CT)
E.S. Pashkina - Leading Research Scientist, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
In previous articles were submitted reviews of foreign literature, which describe the history of the development of systematized nomenclature of Medical Terms (SNOMED CT), subtypes of hierarchical structure, the concepts and relationships SNOMED CT, the study of completeness, auditing, compliance SNOMED CT to ontological standards, comparison with other medical classifications, analyzed the description of varieties of disorders of consciousness and pain in SNOMED CT. The purpose of this article is to continue the study of the nomenclature SNOMED CT - review descriptions of complaints SNOMED CT, as well as a comparison to the same section "Structured directory symptoms for the formation of formal medical histories." The choice of "complaint" directory is due to the fact that it makes the patient's complaints seek medical attention. The use of standard terminology SNOMED CT - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms will overcome the incompatibility of medical information systems at the level of semantics and improve the integrability of the software, as in the Russian healthcare information systems, as well as in international projects. It is recommended to start the translation of SNOMED CT with defined specific projects within the framework of the national program.
Pages: 61-65

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