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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Building of information system of the assessment of medical technologies
N.V. Korobov - Candidate of medical sciences, Associate professor, the head of department of Scientific Center of Examination of Means of Medical Application
N.M. Kotov - Chief Specialist of Central Research Institute of the Health Organization and Informatics
G.S. Lebedev - Doctor of Engineering, the deputy director for information technologies of Central Research Institute of the Health Organization and Informatics
L.A. Loshakov - Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, Professor, the head of department of the Russian academy of medical sciences
A.N. Yavorsky - Doctor of medical sciences, Professor, the leading researcher of Scientific Center of Examination of Means of Medical Application
Recently in the developed countries the technologies of health care directed on increase of efficiency of prevention and treatment, first of all, of widespread diseases actively develop. In this plan of special attention the development which basis is made by the mathematical models, allowing to analyze and improve results of organizational and medical actions at various levels deserve. Modern methods of mathematical modeling in information systems of estimates of medical technologies (EMT) allow to pass from an extensive way of substantiality of efficiency of medical technology to intensive that increases the accuracy of the forecast of its use and reduces risks of emergence and development of diseases. Justification of a choice of medical technology with the forecast of results of its application faces need of collecting, processing, storage and the analysis of a huge number of diverse information that assumes use of modern information systems. The solution of a problem of EMT in the Russian Federation is impossible without application of information technologies and creation of informatics system of EMT. Creation of such system will allow to unite experts in the field of EMT and experts for whom results of this assessment with the purpose of use in daily activity across all Russian Federation are important and will provide fast and effective introduction of system of EMT. The purpose of creation of IS EMT is increase of efficiency and quality of introduction in the Russian Federation systems of EMT allowing, in turn, to provide efficiency of purchases and application of medical technologies at rendering medical care. The distributed information resource consisting of two main subsystems will be developed for achievement of this purpose. The first subsystem, subsystem of maintaining passports, is intended for an assessment of MT and will provide to experts service for formalization of the assessment on application of analyzed MT. The electronic passport of MT where the indicators estimated by experts will act as properties of the formalized model will be for this purpose developed. The structure of such indicators will be defined experimentally. For each indicator the area of values and ranges of estimates will be defined. The mathematical apparatus, allowing to calculate an integrated expert assessment of each technology, comparable with the corresponding estimates of technologies of one class will be developed. To this subsystem will have access limited structure of the experts who are selected for an assessment of concrete technology. The second subsystem, subsystem of visualization of passports of MT, will actually represent system of visualization of integrated estimates of MT and an evidential explanation of these estimates. The subsystem will have expanded system of search and selection of technologies, and will be intended for use by a wide range of the users using expert estimates.
Pages: 51-55

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