350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Approaches to the eveluation and comparison of parametric functions of health information systems
Yu.Yu. Mukhin - Ph. D. (Eng.), CEO of Annual specialisied conference and exhibition «Information technologies in medicine», the General director of JCL «CONSEF»
G.S. Lebedev - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), the deputy director for information technologies of Central Research Institute of the Health Organization and Informatics
The subject of this research is to generate of approaches to assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the information systems of various functionality for medical organization (a group of organization by the territorial, departmental or other principle) at the stage of making a decision of implementation or radical modernization. The article considers the historical retrospective trips into a classification of medical information systems, analysis of evolution, principles of construction of such classifications both in Russia and abroad. The suggested classification of medical information systems (MIS) is built on the principle of harmonized, including future technological achievements in this field. This approach presents a new step to forming a classification of medical information systems, as it not only reflects current situation but also leaves an opportunity of the development of technologies and classification simultaneously. In this work the complex approach to assessment and comparison of information systems, which can be used adequately unique by the customer during making the decision about prepared software, analyzing the potential of developer for solution of the problem of creating a unique information system(or revision of existing one),creating and integration of specialized modules or subsystems is suggested by the authors. The main idea of author-s methodic is in the integrated application of different methods for evaluation of the objects. It is about the combination of one or more way of evaluation: evaluation of formalized unified scale parameters Of; experts assessment Oe; targeted evaluation Ot; public and independent Op. Each of these methods allows you to get the cumulative magnitude value of parameter of evaluation, calculated by summing values of simple criteria-s included in its. The ratio of the common values of different methods of evaluation can be different, depending on the details of a particular research, however, the authors it may be assumed that empirical methods (expert assessment or public and independent evaluation) must not exceed 10% of the maximum value of formal evaluation. Accordingly, the formal evaluation should contain a more amount parameters for comparison as empirical indicators. For example of the application of this methodology, authors gives the part of the evaluation system used in summing up the results of annual allrussian competition - The best medical information system - 2013 ?.
Pages: 19-30


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