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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Cloudy technologies in clinical and scientific activity of scientific medical institutions
B.A. Kobrinskiy - M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of Scientific Center to New Information Technology of Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children-s Surgery, Professor of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
The main advantage of using cloud computing technologies is a significant increase in the efficiency of automated processes and reduced costs of creating, supporting and developing information systems. In system of scientific institutes the accumulated data of patients is used in the scientific purposes, in particular for carrying out of multicenter researches, and at treatment of patients. The private scientific cloud will provide possibility: 1) joint operative viewing of the information with experts of others science centres, 2) uses of the automated systems of support of decision-making placed in it, 3) simplifications of the analysis of individual contra-indications for application of certain medicines, 4) storages of the copies accessible to other interested establishments or the lost data necessary for restoration in scientific research institute. The centralized architecture of archival data storage is most preferable to a private scientific cloud throughout many years that is necessary for the comparative analysis of efficiency of medical actions and life expectancy of patients with certain diseases. Electronic medical cards of patients in the separate medical organizations and the person-centred integrated electronic medical cards should provide with the necessary medical information various types and kinds of medical institutions in directions of their activity and rendering assistance levels. Accordingly, it is necessary to formulate principles of the organization of electronic medical cards, their structure, volume and the maintenance taking into account various requirements, in particular for scientific researches (including, studying of prevalence of diseases in families and on administrative territories). The obligatory decision is demanded by following questions: a) control system of personal identification of electronic medical cards and their timely reception in a mode on-line, b) maintenance of communications of medical cards of relatives of various degree of relationship, c) structure and standardization of contents of electronic medical cards, d) the organization of successive communication in supervision and treatment of patients by different doctors through electronic medical cards, e) management of access to the independent and integrated electronic medical cards, f) definition of principles of joining satellite electronic medical cards for specific targets of the state or scientific character. Thus, construction of a private scientific cloud should lean against introduction of an electronic medical card of modular architecture.
Pages: 14-18


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