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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Method of illumination analysis features of outdoor lighting systems
E.I. Krahmalev
The article an analysis method of illumination features, to be generated in lighting systems by natural and artificial source of light is described. A feature of modern intelligent lighting systems with distributed parameters is possibility to control the parameters of light. Particularly, the light distribution by low electric power consumption with the weighting of different areas and a fixed amount of energy is relevant task. Generalized algorithm of falling light in intersect of same lightening areas is presented. The analysis of possibility application of this method for power lamps optimization by minimum of consumed energy criteria at the fixed value of light stream is carried out. This method in the realization in the lighting of the city of Chelyabinsk and other municipal entities of the Russian Federation is prospect of the development.
Pages: 41-47
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