350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Design features of lighting systems which use drivers with output power stabilization
E.V. Vstavskaya, V.I. Konstantinov, R.A. Khazhiev
Now the HID-ballasts with high efficiency and power stabilization are used to ensure constant power mode of light sources independent of external factors. Therefore, the lighting sources with power stabilization have negative input resistance, and thus the larger the supply voltage the smaller the consumption current and vice versa. It is necessary to take it into account when you design lighting systems. The article describes main features of lighting systems which use the HID-ballasts and LED drivers with stabilization of output power. The operation conditions of electronic and electromagnetic ballasts are compared and analyzed. The lighting systems design method is offered to determine the optimal cable parameters.
Pages: 34-40
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