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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
On-line analysis of energy efficiency of heat supply for buildings in scada-systems
A.A. Basalaev, D.A. Shnayder, A.R. Khasanov
This article describes scheme of computer-aided system of energy efficiency monitoring (CAS-EEM). The main feature of the CAS-EEM is integration energy efficiency analysis and energy consumption optimization in one computer-aided system. It allows running on-line in-depth analysis of efficiency for distributed energy supply systems, particularly for district heating supply systems, with a lot of different supervised and controlling elements. The common algorithm of energy supply quality analysis is shown in the article. The algorithm include all main factors: indoor and heat carrier temperature, heat carrier flow rate and heat energy consumption. Analysis of these factors with the algorithm allows on-line supervising for heat consumption efficiency and detecting possible deviations of actual values of heating parameters from evaluated set values. The pilot project of the CAS-EEM for housing and utilities infrastructure was carried out in The South Ural State University (NRU) within the framework of development priority «Energy-saving in social services» in 2010-2011 to implement this algorithm. During the project, the computer-aided information-measuring controlling system of cold water, heat, electric supply and street lighting was put into operation for The South Ural State University premises. The system includes 40 heat energy and cold water metering units (11 of them are under control by automated individual heating plants), 6 street lighting automatic control units for facades of building, 10 workstation for supervisors (2 of them are parts of the CAS-EEM). The prospect for development of the pilot project is implementing CAS-EEM for housing in Chelyabinsk and other municipal units of Russian Federation.
Pages: 16-23
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