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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of interoperability estimation in relation to claimed requirements and its practical implementation on the example of radio system
A.I. Starikovskiy, N.A. Starikovskaya
Algorithm for complex estimation of the interoperation of the wide list of the dissimilar systems and determination of the level (or degree) of consistency with the given property (is presented. Its practical implementation is considered on the example of simulation and modeling test bench of information managing radio booth space assignment. The system interoperability will be estimated by set of characteristics which determine this property. This set is separated into quantitative characteristics which are directly or inversely proportional to the interoperability and qualitative ones. A decision making person will select the list of characteristics to be estimated taking into account their significance and the claimed values. The respective ranks are assigned to the characteristics and the claimed values in accordance with their significance and the magnitude of the relative deflections of the actual values from the claimed ones, correspondingly. The mean sum of the ranks of all the characteristics participating in the estimation procedure will determine a value of the joint interoperability rank. This joint rank provides the basis for assigning to the system one of the eight degrees of attainment of the interoperability. After this a consistency of the estimated system with the claimed requirements will be determined and necessary finishing measures will be calculated to enhance the system interoperability. The algorithm provided practical usage would make it possible to develop or choose systems, which enable the best degree of inter-operation. That significantly widens systems functional and other characteristics, increases functional effectiveness and productivity.
Pages: 67-76
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