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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Data processing system of medical examination and physical qualification of schoolchildren based on relational model
M.А. Lyadov, S.B. Frolov
In the network of a pilot project to improve school meals in 2008, in Tambov region began to be monitored the health of schoolchildren. In the process of monitoring the measurement of anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, assessment of physical qualification, the distribution of schoolchildren by group health and fitness groups, taking into account both acute and chronic morbidity. In evaluating the results of measurements used sophisticated and age-related sexual norms, based on the percentile distribution, which is most applicable in medical practice today. In this regard, in monitoring the influx of students there is a problem of automated evaluation of the results of measurements on standards. To solve this problem in 2011 at the Department of «Biomedical engineering» of Tambov State Technical University has developed an automated information system (AIS) «Children's Health». Mathematical tool for assessing the health status of the AIS «Child» is a relational data model. The basis of the relational data model is the relationship, which basically represent different age and sex norms required in calculating the overall weight and height indices and blood pressure of the child. In conducting the medical examination system user sets such information of schoolchild as sex, date of birth, height, weight, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, date of examination, etc. The system automatically evaluates the input data and provides user with the result of evaluation of individual student health. In evaluating the results of measurements of relations, in which age-sex norms are laid, relational algebra operations are applied: selection, projection, and connection. Similarly, the system assesses the level of physical qualification of schoolchildren. Height and weight recorded in the student's AIS via USB-port with electronic Rostom Mr. weights and the complex CMD «Healthy Child», produced by JSC Tulinovka-s instrument-building plant «TVES». At the present, 102 work places AIS «Children's Health» are established in the schools of Tambov region. Using the reduced model, the analysis of individual health state of 51 677 pupils was conducted, which confirms the correctness of the constructed models. Data processing system, building on the relational model, enables the assessment of the health status of schoolchildren in the AIS «Children's Health».
Pages: 55-62
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