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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Monitoring System of Road Traffic in the City
R.N. Urazbakhtin, R.I. Zaynullin
Due to the limitations dictated by the architecture to expand roadways and construction of parking lots, it was decided to introduce one-way traffic on some main streets. Following the implementation of these innovations has been a redistribution of traffic, which resulted in increased load on the adjacent two-way street. Thus, the problem of congestion has not been fully resolved. A reason for the large transport count is that in the city center is a large amount of administrative resources, the movement between them during the day requires a high availability entrance to them. In connection with the introduction of one-way traffic, such access was limited because layout promotes through traffic through the center, but local movements. In the presence of statistical data of cars movements in the zoned areas in which work was carried out, would allow a detailed analysis of the changes introduced and to make recommendations to address the problem of congestion. The solution described above, the problem is the introduction of a system for monitoring vehicle traffic. The system is based on the standards US DoT ITS, EU ITS ERTICO. Open components as a base development platform will significantly reduce the cost of the license, wide support equipment and the ability to expand functionality. So, road traffic monitoring system allows you to collect statistics in the movements of transport and to perform detailed analysis of the traffic situation for the required period. Standard solutions and open architecture offers great opportunities for its scalability, mobility and stability.
Pages: 55-60
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