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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Modelling of Thermal Fields in the Conditions of Non Equidistants Intervals of Digitization of Independent Coordinates
J.S. Vlasenko, M.A. Konovalov, S.F. Svinyin
In the course of working out of designs of equipment of coordinate-time support (CTS) constantly there are problems of calculation and the analysis of processes of a thermal emission of knots and blocks of equipment CTS on the basis of what the choice of constructive decisions is made at designing of systems. The essential help in the analysis of thermal processes in designs of printed-circuit boards can render the specialized software, allowing to carry out necessary calculations at early design stages of equipment CTS and accessible to the user who does not have special preparation. For carrying out of the analysis of thermal modes of software of equipment CTS it is offered to use the software BetaSoft Board firms Dynamic Soft Analysis Inc (USA). The program has the developed mathematical apparatus, allowing to spend high-grade three-dimensional modeling of the phenomena of a heat transfer on software. Accuracy of modeling thus makes an order of 10 percent in comparison with natural tests. Besides, software BetaSoft-Board has the special converter providing automatic data transmission about a design of software and placed on its surface chip from system of automated designing (CAD) Expedition PCB. However at all positive sides software BetaSoft Board in it definition of value of temperature in the set point of software as all calculations are deduced as gradients of temperatures in certain intervals is complicated, i.e. actually exact values of temperatures are accessible only on borders of temperature zones. The method of approximation of value of temperatures of software considered in article splines allows to eliminate the specified lack and to replace continuous function of two variables by a combination of functions, each of which depends on one variable.
Pages: 65-70
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