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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Cognitive Attributes of Digital Audio-Visual Technologies
O.V. Tsvetkov
The semantic concept of information can be very effective in problems of optimization of data transmission channels becouse of the consumer is the man. Despite the fact that the consumer of audio-visual media is a man the traditional concept of information based on the analysis and the properties of sources and media, regardless of its recipients, is very promising in terms of optimization. As part of mass communication systems related to the transfer of audiovisual information to the consumer, the complexity should be considered as a basic structural units (memo blocks), which is similar to the concept of irreducible complexity. Based on the examples given in the paper one can show that by relying on the physiological properties of the human the construction of an audio-visual sensory field restrictions should be based on the limitations associated with features of human perception, rather than the technical characteristics of the entropy of data transmission channels.
Pages: 56-61
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