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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Data and knowledge models of information-analytical systems of the authorities in the Russian Federation subjects
A.L. Butov, A.T. Mirgaleev, E.M. Maltsev
Analysis of existing IAS, such as «Semantic archive», «Galaxy Zoom», «Analytical courier», «X-Files» and others showed that they are focused on the interaction with the operator, carrying out pre-and post-processing of information and do not provide support for automatic and often aided text analysis, extraction of facts and new knowledge. In this regard, there is a contradiction between the need to implement a decision support analytical services agents, processing large volumes of semistructured natural language information in text format and lack of feasibility of implementation of the IAS in modern warfare agent. The paper presents results of research on the creation and use of knowledge bases in the information-analytical system of government. A model of the knowledge base, which differs from the existing ones that can be used to quantify the situations natural language semistructured data is proposed. It is established that the practical implementation of the developed conceptual model requires the development of the method of extraction of facts from texts in a natural language, the method of combining facts and method of assessing the situation and their algorithmic in IAS agents
Pages: 55-62
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