350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Handheld hardware-software complex
O.A. Glazunov, A.N. Mokrousov, T.V. Ositskaia
Hardware-software сomplexes are a technical basis of mobile communication systems. The offered structure of a similar complex allows to automate management of streams of the information, to increase functionalities and mobility of separate users. On the basis of it the opportunity of interaction and communication in the automated and not automated modes, information security and noise immune communication of communication and data transmission, definition of a location and adaptive awareness at all levels is provided. The complexes constructed on the basis of the given structure, are intended for reduction of time for statement of tasks of management due to application of the built-in algorithms of information calculating tasks; the automated formation of a situational task in a graphic and text kind; data transmission on the high-speed channel; the automated definition of a location of each user.
Pages: 23-30
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