350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Information and control systems development for distributed environment on the base of interactive workflows
K.V. Knyazkov, S.V. Kovalchuk, A.V. Boukhanovsky
This paper concerns issues of workflow model application to representation of information and control systems. Most of existing workflow management systems executes workflow in a batch mode. It is not efficient and may be unacceptable for some domain areas including user interaction systems, automatic control systems. The paper presents extended interactive workflow model which is based on four principles: 1) support of long-running tasks and workflows; 2) support of workflow control mechanisms; 3) support of communications between nodes and external sources and clients; 4) workflow structure changing capability. The formal model implementing these principles is described in the paper. Implementation of the presented model is performed in frame of CLAVIRE platform. Approbation of the model and the implemented software solution was performed with the flash mob modeling appli-cation. The composite application has a linear structure and consists of five steps. The last step was separated to visualization and modeling processes using interactive workflow technology. Efficiency of the software solution was tested in the experiment, which was based on people evacuation modeling application. Results of approbation and testing have shown that model and software implementation can be used for development of visualization systems, decision support and control systems.
Pages: 40-46
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