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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Interactive 3D-visualization tasks with using cloud computing: experience in inter-university mobility of young scientists
A.V. Dukhanov, S.I. Abrakhin, D.S. Butyugin, V.V. Getmansky, A.V. Gorshkov, D.E. Demidov, Yu.B. Lind, E.O. Tyutlyaeva, D.A. Ustalov, D.A. Fadeyev, K.S. Khorkov, A.V. Boukhanovsky
This article reflects on the experience of the implementation of a unique project in the framework of inter-university mobility of young scientists dedicated to the development of object-oriented technology of interactive 3D-visualization. The project was performed by the Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (University ITMO) in the framework of the Federal Target Program «Research, academic and teaching staff of Innovative Russia in 2009-2013». In the areas of expertise that actively use information and telecommunication technologies, some of these processes can be implemented within the paradigm of eScience using the technology of distributed and cloud computing [2]. As part of the design and development of data-measuring and control systems with the use of distributed and cloud computing it is critical to use local infrastructure that requires direct presence the researcher when working with it. The system of 3D-visualization and virtual reality which are necessary to interpret large volumes of measured or calculated data by informal methods are a good example of such infrastructures. The project involved 10 invited scientists and experts from eight cities in the Russian Federation. They have successfully developed the concept of customized visualization of the calculations results of their application packages, created their own software solutions of visualization on the basis of the proposed template of standard rendering tool, embedded their packages and rendering tools to cloud environment of CLAVIRE and created a composite application using the workflow editor. This composite application launches the application package in the cloud computing environment and immediately after launches the rendering tool, which interacts with the package online allowing the user (expert, expert) by managing the visualization process with the use of a motion capture system to get a wide-screen stereo image, which is required to investigate in depth the process under study. The specificity of the organization of this research and development was that the involved specialists performed all technological operations in eScience distributed infrastructure and have not worked with the virtual reality system up to the point of the interpretation of the results.
Pages: 25-33
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