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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Аnalysis of statistical characteristics of low-density codes decoding algorithm using belief propagation
I.A. Kiryanov
Information systems dictate high demands on speed and reliability of information transmission. Quickly and reliably decode the incoming information allows codes with low-density parity-check (Low-Density Parity Check). Low-density codes belong to a class of block codes, but unlike the latter, when decoding low-density codes use a matrix in which the number of units is much smaller than the number of zeros. In conjunction with the use of special decoding low-density codes, for example, using the algorithm belief propagation, it becomes possible to quickly and reliably decode the incoming information. In this paper the algorithm for the spread of confidence in reliability. The idea of the decoder is working on such an algorithm is an iterative recalculation of character and verification of vertices Tanner. For simulation of the decoder has been collected and verified circuit digital communication line in a channel with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), and a number of statistical characteristics of the decoder, such as noise immunity characteristic of BER, the average number of errors at the output of the decoder bit of signal noise in the channel and standard deviation of this characteristic.
Pages: 20-25
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