350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Selection of system of orthogonal signals in distributed radar
P. A. Ilchuk, B. G. Tatarsky
MIMO (multiple input - multiple output) radars is the modern way of development radar. In this article process of selection of orthogonal signal is described. CD is generally used in telecommunications, so that allowed to skip investigation of ambiguity function. In telecommunications it is sufficient and necessary to consider autocorrelation function. In radiolocation it is necessary to consider full ambiguity function. Besides, parameters of mutual ambiguity function become important too.
In the first chapter we offer selection criteria. Briefly, the level of sidelobes for ambiguity and mutual ambiguity function must to pass to minimum.
Then several type of signal investigated: Walsh system, multiphase system of signals, system of frequency coded signals with Costas arrays. For each system of signal ambiguity and mutual ambiguity body was built and then all values for system were averaged.
The last part of the paper contains conclusions about selection of system of signals.
Pages: 6-14
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