350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of the compensation factor of incidental angle modulation signal output filtering system with return heterodyning
D. Yu. Moguchenok
In article the reasons influencing efficiency of indemnification of phase noise of a signal basic heterodyne in filtering system with return heterodyning are discussed. The analysis of expression for calculation of factor of indemnification of parasitic angular modulation of a signal a heterodyne is resulted. It is shown that for a case of the harmonious form and small indexes of angular parasitic modulation expression for calculation of parasitic frequency modulation coincides with expression for calculation of factor of indemnification of parasitic phase modulation. Results of experimental and theoretical researches of influence of a line of a delay on indemnification of phase noise of a signal a heterodyne are resulted. It is as a result received that connection of a line of a delay in an experimental breadboard model of researches, allows to reduce in addition level of spectral density of capacity of phase noise in a strip of parasitic modulating frequencies on 15-18 дБ.
Pages: 25-29
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