350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The procedure for evaluation of the seismic stability of the pipeline at the mass movement
R. L. Shibert, V. R. Milov, D. V. Milov
In the operation of the pipeline segments located in dangerous areas may be subject to considerable strains and stresses, and vibrations. Evaluation of stress-strain state in the mass movement can be performed in a quasistatic formulation using the methods of calculation of engineering constructions. Vibration characteristics of the uncorroborated section of the pipeline through the seismic impact is proposed to determine, using probabilistic methods. Exceedance probability of stress resistance can be calculated to characterize the seismic section of the pipeline. This article is a staged, since the implementation of the proposed procedure should solve the problem of external seismic, internal stresses and criteria for evaluating seismic stability of the pipelines.
Pages: 76-78
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