350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Practice of EIS integration
V. E. Krivokorytov
A high role which executive information systems play at modern enterprises is determined by several factors. First of all it-s the increasing decision-making requirements for management. Also it-s the complex structure of organizations and enterprises which requests supervision of every business process. Financial performance determines the success of a company in the commercial market. As a result money equivalent may be as well applied to the efficiency rate of business processes supervision. Thereupon EIS for financial control are in high demand. The following article is dedicated to the integration of information systems for business. The author draws examples of requirements applied to modern executive information systems. Also he describes the process of gathering and processing data necessary for decision-making. The examples of EIS designed for highly specialized enterprises are given and their successful integrations described.
Pages: 52-55
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