350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The measuring converter indifferent to dynamic chaos
V. P. Korotky, V. N. Ilyin
Search of a steady operating mode of converters in the form of the nonlinear contours activated by sources of excitation, demands some efforts. Infinitely it is a lot of chaotic modes, the criterion of occurrence of chaos is not found, the chaos can arise unexpectedly and to lead to accident. It is marked, that instead of the parametrical model of converters applied usually and capable to explain only a principle of their work, the specified adequate model is required. The parametrical approach cannot be used, as a priori assumes periodic in time change of parameter. For object of research it is accepted Magnetic-modulation converter. In the chaotic voltage existing on its contour, presented equation of Duffing, the information signal contains. Procedure of extraction of a useful (measured) signal is described. The scheme of the converter characterized by a wide passband and the linear transfer characteristic Is offered. The result which is carried out by her of function does not depend on that there is a scheme in the predicted (determined) or chaotic mode.
Pages: 146-150
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