350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Method of nonlinear digitization of a grid of final elements in the engineering analysis of Radioelectronic Systems thermal modes
D. N. Repnyov, N. W. Saratovskii, A. I. Filatova
Object of research in the given work is the method of nonlinear digitization of a grid of final elements with reference to the analysis of thermal modes of small-sized radar stations (SSRS). The given work sets as the purpose decrease in dimension of thermal model with use of nonlinear digitization of a grid of final elements at preservation of the set accuracy of the decision. The primary goals of research thus are: an estimation of accuracy of the received decision on the basis of comparison of experimental data with the data received at calculation of thermal model of the device with use of a method of nonlinear digitization; an estimation of speed of the settlement program (time spent by the computer for reception of the end result). At use of a method of nonlinear digitization four areas of regulation of a step of a grid of final elements are allocated: area D1 - represents a surface of a source of heat, area D2 - a near zone of a source of heat, area D3 - a zone removed from sources of heat, area D4 - interactions of thermal fields of the next sources of heat. In work settlement parities for calculation of a step of a grid in each of the listed areas are resulted. As a result of a quantitative estimation of efficiency of application of a method of nonlinear digitization of grid FE, at comparison of experimental data with settlement for five radio-electronic devices (video card FX5200, assemblage of blocks AFAR, block RES of demountable type, motherboard ASUS) it is established that: - Use of a method of nonlinear digitization of grid FE allows to accelerate on the average process of calculation of indicators of a thermal mode in 1.5 - 3 times at the expense of decrease in dimension of thermal model (total of final elements in model) in 2... 4 times. - Decrease in accuracy of results of calculation of indicators of thermal modes doesn't exceed 0,4 - 1.5 % of percent. Thus high efficiency of use of a method of nonlinear digitization of a grid of final elements is revealed at the analysis of thermal modes of radio-electronic devices. The decision of similar problems also is considered in articles and A.A.Aljamovsky's books with reference to modeling of physical processes of transfer of heat by means SAPR.
Pages: 142-145
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