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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
One of approaches to definition of a basic trajectory without the engine aircraft at a conclusion in the set final point of space
I. О. Khlamkin
One of approaches to definition of a basic trajectory without the engineaircraft at a conclusion in the set final point of space. Working off of the basic trajectory set in the form of parametrical function by a method of return problems of dynamics, essentially reduces the computing resources necessary for the organization of flight on the set trajectory. The parametrical function setting a basic trajectory, is defined in stationary conditions. A condition of its realizability is some power redundancy of object of management (for without the engine aircraft is a stock of potential and kinetic energy in a point of the beginning of operated movement). Otherwise accuracy of realization of the preset values defining a condition of object of management during the final moment of time cannot be guaranteed to the full.
Pages: 93-97
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