350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Assessment of the possibilities of the method of electrocardiography to support medical decisions in managing the flow of patients during screening
S. P. Chernykh, Yu. G. Lipkin, P.V. Struchkov
This article is devoted to the screening use of ECG parameters for the prior identification of the cardiovascular system conditions, are usually detected by echocardiography. 252 patients (154 men, 98 women) took part in the study. All patients were divided into three groups according to echocardiography. A search for differences of ECG-parameters between patients groups was performed. There were identified three groups of divided by body mass index ECG parameters, which statistically significantly differ among the groups of patients with varying severity of echocardiographic displays. The sensitivity and specificity criteria, which were built in these parameters, were assessed. 20 parameters that can be used to divide patients into three groups according to the severity of changes in the cardiovascular system were identified.
Pages: 82-86
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