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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Microclimate management in modern treatment-and-prophylactic establishment
A. A. Yuzhakov, A. A. Baydarov, E. V. Perminov, A.V. Sentyabova, F. D-Ajello
Due regard was not paid for a long time to the problem of proper microclimate state in treatment-and-prophylactic establishment. But the question was brought up together with the tendency to improve the quantity of service provision. Nowadays the problem of necessary microclimate level maintenance is discussed not only for creation of comfortable conditions and energetic efficiency but for search of environment parameters which permit to influence favorably on the process of treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
The problem of automatic system establishing for microclimate management as a part of intellectual building is very actual. It is "automatic system" characteristic, when participation of a human being is minimal, seems to be significant. The problem was actively discussed in the so-called "clever house" and "intellectual building" [1] systems but the influence of microclimate on parameters of human physiological state are not recognized and estimated.
High concentration of electronic systems, equipment, electro-mechanic apparatus in treatment-and-prophylactic establishment requires presence of special equipment which will help a user to realize management of all the systems and provide their reliable work. Now developers actively elaborate and successfully introduce complex automatic systems of climate management [2] but it is mainly applied to the sectors of office and living spaces. The problem of climate management in treatment-and-prophylactic establishment is now one of the most advanced projects in the light of realization of modernization program and introduction of innovation projects in public health care.
The paper contains examples of modeling of microclimate management system.
Graphics and values of parameters obtained during modeling process permit to estimate adequacy of temperature field model of real room, build in ESP-r packet. The results of modeling correspond to behavior of temperature field in real room.
The similar approach and method can be used in building of the other types of models as well, including complex estimation of automatic system parameters in treatment-and-prophylactic establishment. This is proved by the results of investigations made on the basis of Department of Automatics and Telemechanics of Perm National Research Politechnical University. Several models with the use of program packets ESP-r, Radiance were built, test stand on the basis of estimations and results was exposed. Values of work characteristics of the stand are managed by applied automatic complex, permitting to manage the key parameters automatically. It is planned to create a model of building and on its basis to elaborate the structure and system of microclimate management for treatment-and-prophylactic establishment in a complex, taking into account physiological state of a human being. It is also expected to integrate into a system a feedback which will allow to choose the optimal values of microclimate on the basis of parameters - state for the most favorable conditions of rehabilitation and treatment of a patient.
Pages: 57-62
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