350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Engineering the methods of maintenance activities for network connection in regional distribution grid companies
M. Yu. Ryazantseva, S. V. Degtyarev
In this article some features of Regional Distribution Grid Companies in the post-reform phase are analyzed. The main problem is the need to restructure the control system in order to complete the transition from the monopoly mentality to a customer orientation policy. The methods for perfection of the control system for the example of network connection process are offered. These methods are based on activities formalization and using of abilities of relational database. Performed the following steps of the process reengineering: 1. Defining a goal of perfection the process. 2. Analysis and description "As Is". 3. Engineering and testing the methods of maintenance activities for network connection. 4. Assessing the implementation of the developed solutions. Representation of the domain model as a relational database allows to describe the network connection process available and clearly, in a structured way; provides flexibility and rapid modification. As a result it was achieved a high level of formalization of the business process, described methods have decreased the performance time at each stage of the process.
Pages: 62-66
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