350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Determination of dynamic characteristics of nuclear reactor using the methods
of the mathematical transport theory
N.V. Shchukin, A.L Cherezov
One of the main aspects of acceptability of nuclear power is the foundation of nuclear safety. The basic requirements for nuclear safety are formulated in terms of reactivity. Therefore, it's necessary the technique of correct processing of reactor measurements and results of numerical modeling of the reactor. The current methods of dynamic parameters measurements (subcritical, the efficiency of control rods, reactivity coefficients, the integral reactivity effects) using reactivity meter based on the point neutron kinetics. For uneven and large perturbation one-point approximation is not satisfied and leads to significant errors in the reactivity meter. In these cases requires a method that is not based on the point approximation and can handle the measurement results taking into account the space-time redistribution of the neutron field.
In this paper we propose a method of determining the effects of reactivity, based on the theorem of spectral decomposition solution of neutron transport equation. The proposed approach takes into account the effects of spatially-temporal redistribution of the neutron field and eliminating main component of systematic error and increase the efficiency of obtaining reactivity. The paper presents a theoretical basis proposed method, discusses its implementation in practice. The results of model calculations, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms presented. Programs that implement the method of spectral projection will include in the information and analysis system of the Kursk nuclear power plant (IO KORSE).
Pages: 59-66
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