350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
MIMO technology in radar
M. N. Zhukov, B. G. Tatarskiy
The key principles and some features of radar systems based on MIMO technology (Multiple Input - Multiple Output) are identified. The main differences between MIMO-radar from the traditional variants of multiposition radar systems are demonstrated. The paper is focuses on the advantages of using complex signals and the possibility of reducing the requirements for energy potential in MIMO-radar, while ensuring secrecy of receiving and transmitting positions of the radars. In addition, the choice of the form of probing signals for MIMO system should be dictated by the requirements of resolution, accuracy and EMC transmitter-receiver positions as well as the methods used for synchronization. Futhermore, it is also mentioned that the final choice of the form and parameters of probe signals used in radar systems made by MIMO-technology should be made in conjunction with the development of algorithms for processing and combining the reflected signals emitted from different transmitter-receiver positions MIMO-system.It is proposed as the basis radar data processing algorithms in MIMO radars to use reconstructive computed tomography, as well as various options for space-time signal processing.
Pages: 36-45
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